I’ve been doing this for almost a decade with events like JACKALOPE, making sure the philosophy stays true no matter where we take it, living and breathing this event, making sure our philosophy runs through every part of it. APIK isn’t just about putting on a contest; it’s about creating an experience that riders take home with them, something they talk about long after the last trick is landed. Our best business card isn’t a logo or a hashtag, it’s the riders leaving with the best memories of their lives and spreading the word. That means my job isn’t just logistics, it’s making sure the energy, the vibe, and the whole culture stay true from start to finish. Long nights, early mornings, countless hours of no sleep, but somehow, it’s always worth it. Being the guy making sure riders get where they need to be, have everything they need, and that the whole crew is vibing means I get to see all the highs, the crashes, the moments of pure magic, and the absolute shitshows. Some of these stories I can share, others… let’s just say they’ll stay off the record.
But here’s a look into what really went down at APIK Mississauga presented by Samsung Galaxy this year: the stuff that makes this event what it is. The moments between the podiums, the energy you can’t script, and the chaos that somehow always turns into something unforgettable.
Alaïs Develay – Against All Odds
Imagine this: You’ve been on the road for days, exhausted from a brutal travel schedule, barely making it to Mississauga in time. Oh, and to make things worse? You’re rocking a broken jaw. That was Alaïs Delavey’s reality. Just getting here was a mission, but when she finally arrived, she found out her bags and gear were lost. That’s about as rock bottom as it gets. But this is where the ski community shows its true colors. The crew came together, pulled some strings, and found everything she needed to compete. Because at the end of the day, this culture is built on looking out for each other. She made it to the course, ready to throw down, against all odds. Absolute warrior and shoutout to Corbett Ski and Snowboard for helping with that.
Laurent Ethier – The Art of Steez
If you were at APIK, you saw Laurent Ethier. Not just because of the way he rides, but because of how he shows up. The red tie with the perfect green cardigan matching every detail was calculated. The dude looked like he was about to drop into a fashion runway instead of a rail setup, and it was impossible to ignore. But this isn’t just some random style flex, there’s a philosophy behind it.
“Before I ride, I always think about how I dress because I know that, in the end, it makes a difference. Too many riders don’t think about it and just rock black pants and a hoodie (which is fine), but it lacks originality. I always try to bring something ‘artistic’ to snowboarding—I think that’s where we come from.”
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Laurent’s looking at the bigger picture snowboarding as a form of expression, not just a sport. He takes inspiration from guys like Zeb Powell and Rene Rinnekangas, who bring their own flavour, breaking the mold of the standard black hoodie and snow pants. That red tie? That was a statement.
“At APIK, I didn’t think too much when I put on the tie, but I found it kind of ironic to wear it because I don’t see snowboarding as a job… but some people do.”
That’s the energy we need more of riding with personality, riding with a purpose.
Frank Jobin’s ‘Birthday’ Bash
Frank Jobin rolled into Mississauga fresh off his first-ever World Cup gold in Aspen, a long-overdue win after years of grinding. This was his moment, and everyone knew it. So what better way to celebrate than… pretending it was his birthday?
First night in town, the entire crew decided to run with the joke – bday shots lined up, everyone singing “Happy Birthday” like we weren’t all in on it. Frank? He had no idea what was going on but played along like a champ. Shot after shot, laugh after laugh, it was one of those nights that made the contest secondary. Maybe that extra bit of love powered him onto the podium… or maybe not. Either way, it was legendary.
Kim Lamarre & Taylor Lundquist – Full Circle Moment
There’s something special about watching different generations of snow culture cross paths, and this year, APIK gave us one of those moments. Taylor Lundquist, fresh off her win, was hyped out of her mind when she found out that Kim was going to be the Live Webcast MC. And for good reason Kim is a pioneer of women’s freeskiing, one of the first to break through when the scene was still dominated by men.
Taylor grew up looking up to Kim, one of the only female skiers paving the way at the time. Seeing her take the mic at APIK was a moment of validation, inspiration, and straight-up respect. That’s what this sport is about—the next generation seeing what’s possible because someone before them made it happen.
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But here’s what you didn’t see: Kim was sick. Like, barely-standing-up sick. The morning of the event, she wasn’t even sure she could make it. She stayed in her room until the last possible second, then powered through the entire show in the freezing cold. What kept her going? The crowd. The energy, the cheering, the love, that’s what kept her on the mic. She had to dip early before the night ended, but damn, she showed up and delivered.
Dave Duncan & Craig McMorris – When Two Worlds Collide on the Mic
Craig McMorris and Dave Duncan brought two completely different energies to the mic, making for an electric mix. Craig, known for his sharp, quick-witted commentary and deep snowboard culture knowledge, has become the go-to voice for major events. He hypes up riders, throws in inside jokes only real heads get, and brings that “I’m just one of you guys” energy that keeps things feeling raw and real.
On the other side, you had Dave Duncan, one of the most seasoned voices in action sports. His background stretches way back to the early days of announcing, and his presence at APIK was a nod to the sport’s roots. While Craig thrives on the new-school hype, Dave comes with that OG “I’ve seen it all” perspective. Together, they played off each other perfectly, bridging generations of action sports commentary. Whether it was Dave dropping history lessons about contest formats or Craig hyping up every trick like it was an ender in a video part, the two kept the energy high all weekend… Watching them bounce off each other was gold. Craig, hyped to be next to a legend. Dave, constantly asking if his outfit was dialed. And if you caught the stream, you might’ve heard Dave drop a little history lesson—because back in the day, he was one of the pioneers of the Cash4Tricks format. Seeing him now, watching this new era of riders send it under the same rules he helped create? Full circle.
The tricks? Insane. The podiums? Dope. But that’s not what makes APIK what it is. APIK isn’t just about tricks and podiums, it’s about everything in between. The moments that don’t make the highlight reel but stick with you long after. The late-night sessions, the last-minute gear swaps, the strangers who become crew, and the feeling of being part of something bigger than just another event.
See you at the next one. Keep sending. Whether you were throwing down in the contest, hyping up the crew, or just taking it all in, you were part of it. And that’s what matters.