White Claw—A Must-Stop at the Bottom of the Slope

13 February 2024 / By vanessa

Hey you, yes you, snow sports enthusiasts! APIK is just around the corner, and this year, we’ve got something really cool at the bottom of Mont Saint-Denis. Throw on your beanies and gear up for a winter experience with White Claw, one of our esteemed partners.

The White Claw terrace will be near the DJ booth and they’ve prepared a unique experience that will add a touch of refreshing flavors to your taste buds.

The heated and illuminated White Claw terrace, located near the DJ booth, will be open all weekend to individuals aged 18 and older. They can relax while enjoying an elevated view of the festival—an ideal spot to savor the sparkling alcoholic beverage and admire the riders’ performances.

But wait, there’s more!

Brand ambassadors will be on-site, handing out samples of ready-to-drink beverages and White Claw vodka. Meet them, exchange smiles, and discover why White Claw is the perfect choice to enhance your memorable moments, and perhaps some that are a bit more hazy. 🤪

There will also be the famous Claw Machine. So why not try your luck and win exclusive White Claw prizes?

White Claw Terrace Mockup.

APIK goes beyond just a competition; it’s a celebration of passion for skiing, snowboarding, and fun with friends. With White Claw by our side, the weekend will be more spirited than ever. So, are you as excited as we are?

See you at APIK!

* Note that the consumption of alcohol is reserved for individuals aged 18 and older in Quebec, in accordance with the law. It is important to consume responsibly and to comply with the applicable laws.